

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Have Noticed Me Noticing

My challenge to try to notice more in life has been met with mixed results.  I try to make it a note to notice things while they are happening a few times a day to make sure I'm not letting life just pass me by.  And with my new time crunch it's been increasingly difficult.  But I will continue to try.  Though the idea has been great, the experience has been a little... frightening!  I'm noticing things that probably should have stayed unnoticed.

Here's the first thing I noticed. I'm not completely sure if I want to tell it because I don't know how people will view me after admitting to such things.  But I told myself that I was going to try to focus on the here and now more.  And that means paying attention to the things that might otherwise get unnoticed.  And when I say unnoticed, I meant by ME.  I'm sure other people have noticed this particular thing that I just noticed and I'm sure other people have been noticing it for a while.

When I grocery shop alone... I talk to myself.... out loud.  (I know.  Weird, huh?)  Now, to validate your level of concern... I don't talk the uncomfortable, LOUD "I just got back from the the health department and you need to get checked too" mobile phone conversations you get at the checkout line.  When I talk out loud, it's a little bit louder and a lot more discernible than the mumbling you do when you are singing a song you have known for years but get to a part where you have never figured out the words.  Yeah, just a little bit louder than that.

I noticed that while I'm going down the aisles I just run my mouth like someone is there with me.  I speak the next thing on the shopping list as if I'm going to forget it if I don't. (I must get bread! Bread, Bread. Bo-Bread.  Banana Fana. Fo-Fread...)  I say what aisle it is in.  (Applesauce is in aisle 4... I think.  I'm not sure.  But that's where we are headed now!  Applesauce, applesauce.  Gotta get the applesauce!) I say what aisle I think it SHOULD be in.  (I think the applesauce should be put next to the apples. But noooo.... that would make too much sense.  I have find it on aisle 5, the baking aisle!)  I challenge other parents to a cart race.  (They have no idea that I just beat them!  They didn't even know there was a race!  Either way... I win... every time!)  And I do more than just mumble.  If you were standing within 3ft of me, you would probably be able to hear everything I'm saying.

I also talk about things that were supposed to be on the shopping list that, for some reason, weren't.  And the only reason I know they are supposed to be added is because I get a text message from the magical Phone Fairy letting me know milk needs to be added to the shopping list.  (Thank you, Phone Fairy!  Good thing you have a calling plan with unlimited text.) Sometimes the Phone Fairy is on time.  Other times I receive my text message right when I'm about to stand in the checkout line or even worse, when I just paid for the items and I'm leaving the store..  That's when the talking to myself begins again.  And, I'm COMPLETELY aware that people can clearly hear me OVER the other person in line talking about his *ahem* medical issues.  No mumbling there.

That situation causes a temporary case of undiagnosed Tourettes.  The only time it gets worse than that is when there is something on the list that is completely a non-standard item... like gouda cheese.  What's a gouda?  And why are we getting cheese from it?  Personally, (to make sane my insanity) I like to think it came from the Gouda Monster.  And after years of hard fought battles, the US Military finally took out the heinous creature with an unparalleled aerial assault that left the creature lying lifeless just before he was about to destroy Washington, DC.  (This was bittersweet because the good news is that the victory of our wonderful Armed Forces saved a LOT of innocent people that day but the bad news it also saved Congress and the Washington Redskins. (Sorry, I'm a Cowboys fan.  So that had to be said.  The Gouda Monster already took out my team months ago!))

But anyway... The Gouda Monster, realizing that it was about to die, had a change of heart and decided it wanted to leave the world with a gouda taste (I know. Terrible Pun.) in its mouth.  So it left its family recipe (passed down from generation to generation of goudas) on how to make its special cheese. (It really just tastes like blue cheese to me, but I'm wasn't going to tell him.)  His dying breath was to have this cheese shared with the world.  But with invention and capitalism comes profit.  So the recipe leaked out over the internet within minutes on the same site that gave us the Colonel's secret recipe.

Blue cheese makers were all over this.  They were already making this stuff to begin with, they just needed to re-market it.  They decided to package it under a different name, charge 300% more and live fat and happy on the new-found cash cow (so to speak).  Their marking departments also realized they didn't want people to confuse this "NEW" cheese with "BLUE" cheese, so they decided it needed to go into a section of the store that was COMPLETELY different than ALL of the OTHER cheeses in the store.  And THAT, my friends, is the story I spoke out loud to myself while I was trying to mentally justify the extra 30 minutes I spent looking for this odd item.  And before you say, "Why didn't you just ask someone?"  (I was probably too late on that one.  I'm sure some of you already have asked that.) It's kinda like asking for directions.  If it's a place I wanted to go to or an item I wanted to buy, I would already know how to get to that end before I left the house.

So that is the first thing that I have noticed.  There are others but I'm going to save them for a different post.  I think I have done enough sharing for one day.  But as a Public Service Announcement to my handful of male readers (not to exclude my female readers but I can bet YOU already knew this)... If you are sent to the store to get an odd cheese that you have never heard of, start at the deli.  Apparently, that's where they hide it from us.  Knowing this fact alone will probably save you about 30 - 40 minutes the next time you are tasked with grocery shopping.  Or, in a pinch... just get blue cheese and scratch the name off of the package.  You will thank me for it later.


  1. I would bet money that you didn't talk to yourself nearly as much in the grocery store before you had kids. I do this ALL THE TIME and then, when I notice someone giving me the slide eye, I just say, "Normally there's two or three short people with me..." And that usually causes them to flee in the other direction (allowing me to win my very own cart race).

    I am (obviously) a female and I wouldn't know where to find Gouda. My problem is this: Once I figure out where some obscure thing is (in my case, Sesame Tahini) they either move it or stop carrying it! THAT is just not fair! I am almost out of TAHINI!

  2. i am exceedingly abundantly impressed that I followed all that LOL and the whole time i was thinking isnt that in the deli, not being a fan of blue cheese i am glad to know what it tastes like so i will not be fooled into buying it... as i was suckered by the baby bell swiss ... only to discover that in spite of spitting quickly i could not ge tthe taste off my tongue even after scope and crest were applied to my mouth ACK... oh and I talk to my self too... :) welcome to my world.

  3. Gouda is a city in the county of Holland. We make the best cheese there.

  4. I so talk to myself at the grocery store! Just today I had an honest, heartfelt debate as to whether I should get the tin of Quality Street chocolates this far from Christmas. In the end, I won the battle - which is the great thing about debating yourself - you always come out a winner. But now I don't have any candy :( I also find myself "rocking" the cart back and forth while I debate the merits of one spaghetti sauce over the other. Sadly, my youngest child is almost 13 - I have not had the need to rock the cart in many years.

    The deli is also a great place to find meats that aren't bologna or ham in addition to crazy-named cheeses - who knew there was such a magical place right inside the food store?

  5. If you take a small child with you, you can pretend to talk to them. :) I rarely go to the grocery store anymore, as hubby likes to go when I am at work, for some strange reason. I try to avoid processes stuff, he's all about frozen chicken nuggets, hot dogs, anything easy to cook.

  6. Okay, how can someone mistaken gouda cheese with blue cheese? So I'm thinking the trick won't work. Unless you're trying to trick a guy, maybe in that case, any cheese substitution will do the trick. (Get it, "do the trick"? Ha ha ha!) Okay, fine, so maybe it isn't that funny...On another note, I really don't like grocery shopping, not sure why, maybe it's the people that annoy me by blocking aisles with their carts, or maybe it's because some people do NOT know how to use self check-out but still use it, either way, I don't blame you for talking to yourself, even if it is weird. :)

  7. ROTF Que, you crack me up but seriously, the Cowboys? I don't even have "a team" anymore but I'll root for ANYBODY against the Cowboys.

    Anyhow, I'll tell you something my mother told me. It's okay to talk to yourself. It's even okay to answer yourself ... but if you start saying "huh?" THEN you have a problem.

    Great post.

  8. I liked this post. I think it's a great idea. I'm going to start doing the same thing in my own li--what the hell is that ON MY LEG!

  9. Yeah...I noticed me talking to myself in the grocery store earlier this week, and I sounded exactly like what you described. Just about the same words and everything. (I'd never noticed it before because I haven't had the chance to shop BY MYSELF in about four years.) I've decided it's a by-product of having kids with me at all times. If I'm not talking to them and keeping them interested in what I'm saying, then they're finding their own entertainment, and that's not something I want to happen in the grocery store!

  10. yep I'm guilty of that too. I just can't think internally and concentrate on navigating round a store at the same time - I'm genetically designed to only do one thing at a time, so my mouth goes into automatic. I also do secret 'cart' races. I think I got into a head to head with another man once. Nothing was said but I'm sure he was also racing. He cheated in the end and cut off two aisles. He may have left the store feeling like a winner but I bet when he got home his wife put him right about all the missing items!

  11. I totally love my husband. He HATES shopping! Every Sunday he gets the list and goes to the store. Without complaining. I guess he saves the complaining until he gets to the store where he....talks to himself.

  12. @The Mommy - Truth be told... I didn't GO to the grocery store that much before the kids. And I can't believe you just threw out another obscure recipe item that may or may not show up on a shopping list in my future. THANKS!

    @Laura~Peach~ - I'm glad someone can follow me during these crazy moments. But, hey... don't let my experience stop you from getting gouda cheese. I'm a dude. So it may taste NOTHING like blue cheese.

  13. @Astrid - Hey, no complaints here about the taste. I actually liked the cheese after I found it! Hmmm... good cheese in Holland. I must put that on the place to visit.

    @lizziehoop - I'm still trying to figure out this "other meats that are not ham and bologna" aisle. Now you are just pulling my leg.

  14. @mommeeof10 - What??? Take a small kid with me?? I'd rather the people think I'm crazy! I go grocery shopping to get away from the small kids. I actually HATE shopping with a passion. And your husband sounds like a great man. I could learn a lot from him. :)

    @dark chocolate - You can't really TRICK a guy with different cheeses. We won't notice the difference anyway.

  15. @Mustang Sally - *sigh* Yes the Cowboys. It's the story of my life (before the wife and kids, of course). <-- Like that save? Also, your mother sounds wise. Now I will need to notice if I say, "Huh?"

    @Homemaker Man - Be careful. You will notice a few things you wish you hadn't. That's all I'm saying.

  16. @Missy - I hate shopping. The only thing worse for me is to go shopping with little ones. I love my kids but we just don't get along inside of a store. None of us really want to be there. So it's a bad combo.

    @Glen - Oh... that sounds like a challenge to a cart race! It's ON! The next time/first time/possibly only time I'm in the UK consider this a done deal. We will make it happen and loser pays for both carts of groceries!

  17. @Leslie (the wife) - I love you too. And shopping is such a wonderful experience when I'm shopping for all of my beautiful girls.

    I'm sure you believe that about as much as the Gouda Monster.

  18. So you're "that guy"... Back in the old days, if you saw a guy talking to himself while he walked through the store you assumed (1) he had just stumbled out of a bar, (B) he was slightly on the loony side and forgot his meds or (3) he had misplaced some money and was retracing his steps—like when absent-minded Uncle Billy lost his cash deposit in "It's a Wonderful Life."
    I am a terrible 'notice-er" I see you when you're fixing a wedgie or when you are using your key to scratch that itch in your ear, I hear you crack your knuckles, snap your gum and try to belch under your breath, and i've even noticed you sniffing your pits for BO. I notice everything. It's a curse, really. I think you should go back to not noticing. You'll be happier in the long run!
    Another great post, Que! You kill me!

  19. @ME - You know... Even typing out your name in this comment section makes it look like I'm talking to myself. lol. I AM that guy you speak of. But after reading the comments on this, I am not alone. There are a lot of people who talk to themselves. I hadn't noticed. So the next time I go shopping, I am going to take a note of how many people (besides me) are talking to themselves.

  20. Blue cheese makers were all over this
    That situation causes a temporary case of undiagnosed Tourettes

  21. It took reading all your 'gouda' jokes twice before I realized I think you're pronouncing it wrong :P

  22. @rashid1891 - I agree! It IS very good.

    @Gaby - No, I think I pronounced it right. I got my translation from Holland translated to German translated to Greek translated to Ancient Hebrew translated to Aramaic translated in to American English. So you can see there is no chance of error in my pronunciation. :)

  23. I thought so. How could I possibly think you had gotten anything wrong :D
