

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Second Home

I want to direct your attention to my new location. No, no... I'm not going anywhere.  I just have a second home.  I am doing a little writing for a parenting magazine.  (I know, right?  They obviously don't read my blog.  I won't tell if you won't.)  They have agreed to post some of my works and I have agreed to go to some much needed parenting classes.  So, while I'm in class, please enjoy this little blurb I posted on their site.  


  1. It's amazing the number of different objects little ones stuff into noses and ears. Makes me wonder why they are curious about 'if this will fit in the first place.

    I have something for you on my blog I posted earlier tonight.

  2. @Mustang Sally - You are right about that. I'm also wondering if any of the OTHER kids (namely her sister) didn't do it to see what would happen. I guess we will never know since she can't tell us. Also, thanks for the mention on your blog! I must write some more.

    @Glen - What's this "sleep" you speak of?

  3. I just knew that your talents would one day be recognized by someone other than your faitthful disciples. Good for you, Que! And it's great for Nashville!! Cheers, my friend! Well Done!!
    (Not me as in you, Que. But me as in ME... I know it's confusing!)

  4. @Mary Ellen - Thanks! And your last line sounds like something I would say. lol.

  5. What's going on here? I clicked the link, and the site said it didn't know what I was talking about. Did they read your blog and then remove your blurb?
