

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This might be the first time in the history of world that something like this has ever happened.  I have heard of catching a virus on your computer.  But I think I have received the first case of receiving a virus FROM my computer.

I really think I caught the flu reading this blog. I know, I know... It sounds ridiculous!  I can hardly believe it myself.  All I know is that I was feeling fine.  Then I read about a fellow blogger getting the flu during the Summer months.  And I thought to myself, "Man, that sucks!"  Then a few days later... BAM!!!!  I was sick.  Some may say it's coincidental or completely circumstantial evidence.  But to those people I just say that people used to think the world was flat. But look at it now!  And SOMEONE had to be the first to question the impossible.  (I know that doesn't mean anything toward my argument but I really can't prove what I believe.  So instead of an insightful debate, all you get is the equivalent of a digital tongue being stuck out in your general direction. :-P <----tongue).

Being sick and home alone with my 4-year old made me appreciate single parents more, though.  I don't know how single parents handle being sick with the kids at home.  I know you just have to deal with it but it has to be one of the toughest things ever.  That's even more so when the oldest child in the house is not old enough to take care of themselves let alone the other kids.  I only had one child at home. (The others were in school.  That's another post all together.) I had to spend the day with our 4-year old (did I mention crazy school schedules) and it was NOT fun at all.  First off, she kept putting me in timeout.  She would ask if I was still sick.  When I responded with a "yes" she would say, "No! No! No! You are NOT sick. Now go to timeout!"  If only it were that simple, sweetie. (Words I said as I was going to timeout.)

Secondly... As I'm battling this evil disease from the seventh layer of hell (men always exaggerate... everything), she wouldn't stop calling, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" until I acknowledged she was talking directly to me. I did understand that she was a little nervous.  She doesn't see daddy sick a lot so she didn't know how to react. Knowing that, I tried to not get frustrated or upset.  Plus, I couldn't even if I wanted.  In the state I was in, she could have easily taken me with what she learned for just her few lessons of Taekwondo.

But I am getting better.  I'm able to move, talk, breathe (almost without problems), and eat.  So all should be well.  I will be back to normal in no time.  Plus, I have to get better soon.  It's my wife's birthday tomorrow.  We, of course, are too broke to really do anything.  SO it would doubly suck if I was sick on top of that.  My best bet is to will myself well one way or another.  I really don't think I want to spend another minute in timeout.


  1. I'm so sorry that you were so sick :::douses keyboard with disinfectant::: As for being ill while having to take care of little ones - yeah, that totally sucks. When it's just a cold, life goes on and you cope. But the flu doesn't allow you to function in any real sense. :(

    BTW, I have a cold right now. With your weakened immune system, you make wanna break out the Lysol after you read this.

  2. You poor thing! I'm willing you to get better, too.

    You're right, of course, being a parent while you're sick is a feat of strength.

  3. Awwww....poor baby. I hope you feel better soon and tell the computer that gave you the flu to shove it! :P (digital tongue)

  4. @SandyAnnDee - You probably need to also use antibacterial hand soap... on your computer screen. And make sure you sterilize you glasses or contacts after reading this. And if you don't wear any protective eye gear then you are reading at your own risk.

    @Lisa - Thanks! It's working. I'm feeling better already.

    @aurora's cross - That's the plan. The computer will rue the day it ever gave ME a virus! Now make sure you use germ killing mouthwash on your digital tongue.

  5. I feel your pain of being sent to time out. I really do. Being sick sucks. Being sick whilst having to do kiddo duty sucks worse. I'm sure you weren't as dramatic as this guy.
    Feel better soon.

  6. Darn eye corrective surgery. Up till this moment, I thought of it as a miracle procedure, but suddenly my eyes feel so unprotected!!!

  7. @belindasbaubles - I had seen that video before. It is hilarious. I know a lot of men are that way. But I'm different when I get sick. I usually isolate myself and don't want anyone near. Some people might think I'm doing it because I care so much for my family that I don't want them to get sick. But really it's that if I get them sick then I will have to take care of them when I get well. :)

    @JoJo - Thanks!

    @SandyAnnDee - See. My site is not just about family and humor. It's about helping people. And it's not your fault. You didn't know what you didn't know that you didn't know. Now you know.

  8. Well, look on the bright side of timeout: you had time to rest and recover, right? :D Maybe your daughter is smarter than you think (letting you recuperate AND at the same time, keep her distance so she wouldn't catch it, too).

  9. I'm sorry that I laughed as you trudged your way back to timeout again.

    But if I get sick from reading this post, I am REALLY going to be mad at you.

  10. Who do you think you are, getting sick like that?! You know parents can't get sick. Superheros never do that. Duh. Now go to timeout.
