

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Local Celebrity is Born

My fame and fortune have grown 10 fold since yesterday!  (That's a slight exaggeration.) My silly little blog was featured in the Lifestyles section of our local printed and online newspaper, The Daily News Journal.  I just wanted to let all of my readers know that I will not let this new success go to my head.  I promise to not make any extra demands on any of my royal subjects. Now, would one of you fetch me some water.  My throat is feeling a bit parched.

I may be royalty now but I'm not without compassion.  I'm going to treat all in my kingdom (Queopolis) with more of... well... me.  I will present you with the article that has elevated my status.  One thing you will have to do, though, is substitute my REAL name, Que, with my royal name of Toma.  That's not asking too much.  I'm sure this will be just a minor inconvenience.  I guess the price you pay for success is 2 names.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, feel free to go to the article that gives a more personal view into the life of my royal family.  This article was written by Nancy De Gennaro.  I think she did a wonderful job.  As a matter of fact, I think it could be the best article ever written! (I might be a little biased, though.)  So click the pic to be taken to a land of enchantment. (That's another slight exaggeration.  It really just goes to the article.  I will let you decide if there is even an ounce of enchantment in that.)


  1. That's pretty cool, to be in the newspaper (and not for something you did wrong, which is what would happen to me).

  2. It is from the DNJ that I found you! What a sweet lil cyber spot you have here and some amazing shares!

    You are indeed a proud daddy with some very lucky girls!

  3. Dude!!!!! Not ounce of enchantment. Buckets, bushels, goo gobs!!!

    For a writer, there's nothing like recognition. Except a paycheck and you're royalty. You don't need money.

    Congratulations for getting the recognition you deserve!

    P.S. Love that photo of you and the girls.

  4. THIS IS SO COOL!!! OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!!! Ok, I'm done yelling with excitement.

  5. I'm number 100!!! Ha told ya I would be.
    Congrats on the article.
    Let us know when you get recognized on the street, or if the paps start following you to the grocery store.
    What? It could happen.

  6. @The Mommy - I think we have the same thoughts about finding ourselves in the paper. I had to read it twice to make sure they were talking about me... and it was for something good! :)

    @Closer to Lucy - Thanks for coming by. I must return the favor. I love Lucy!

    @Lisa - Goo gobs? AWESOME! Ummm, we do need to talk about this royalty not needing money thing. That's a misconception I know firsthand. Maybe I should write about it. Oh, and the pic of me and the girls... my little one who ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wants to smile and be on camera... didn't.

    @Lilly - Thanks, Lilly! I'M GLAD YOU SAW IT! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT WAS GOING TO BE THAT COOL! Your enthusiasm is infections. Don't stop yelling on my account.

    @belindasbaubles - #100!?!? That is cool. Now I have to figure out what prize to get you... and find out how much it will cost to send it to the other side of the world. On second thought, I might have to send you a digital prize.

  7. Congratulations Que!

    Recognition is a wonderful thing. Good to see that you're getting your share.

  8. Dear King Toma,


    But I'm thinking you might need to change your royal name to Loma so you can fit in with the rest of your family. Wait a second, did I say fit in? Bahahaha...

    Oh, sorry.

    Seriously, this is way cool! I'm so excited for you! :-D
